Weight Management FAQs

Our Program

We take an innovative approach to weight loss by combining the two basic elements of traditional weight loss programs, diet and exercise, with an extra component that’s ideal for people who need more individualized care – medical supervision by a qualified and well trained Internal Medicine specialist, Dr. Ghobraiel.

We believe that obesity is a chronic disease requiring a multidisciplinary approach that goes far beyond the traditional one-size-fits-all. Instead, Dr. Ghobraiel creates a customized plan based on each participant’s complete medical history as well as numerous other factors. Prescription medications and supplements are also considered in combination with the lifestyle plan.

Risks of obesity

Obesity can trigger many serious conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, acid reflux, sleep apnea, joint pain, gall bladder disease and polycystic ovarian disease.

Body mass index

Your BMI measures the proportion of body fat based on your height and weight, fitness level, bone structure, gender and body type, among other items.

We use your body mass index (BMI) as a guideline in helping determine your best weight loss strategy.

How long does the program last?

Everyone is different. We have found that the best method for long-term weight loss is a gradual approach that teaches people behavior modification strategies for the future.  You will be given all the tools you need to lose weight permanently and experience a more satisfying life.

What is the Nutrition plan?

The nutrition program starts with an extensive look at your eating patterns and weight loss history. You’ll be asked about food cravings, snacking habits, the effects of stress on your diet and what you typically eat during the day, among other things.

We determine an appropriate caloric rate based on your metabolic rate and also examine food volume and portion control.


Even if you’re out of shape, we’ll help you develop a sound exercise routine. It’s a gentle approach to losing weight that is easy for anyone to adopt. Dr. Ghobraiel will monitor your progress weekly and make adjustments, as needed.

The best programs have an equal emphasis on the cornerstones of losing weight – diet and exercise.